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Welcome to the Plymouth Professional Portal
The Portal can be used to complete the Early Help Assessment Tool (EHAT) as well as proposals in relation to statutory Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) and Young Carers assessments.
The first time you use the Professional Portal you will need to register using a work based e-mail address where possible (the use of private e-mail accounts to register for an account is not recommended). The sharing of Portal accounts is also not permitted.
Please click on "Register" above to register for an account. A registration verification e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address that you use to register. This e-mail will contain a link, which you will need to click onto to complete the registration process. Verification e-mails only remain valid for up to 12 hours. Therefore you should complete both the registration and verification process within this timescale.
Occasionally e-mails sent from automated systems are filtered out by e-mail SPAM filters. If you do not receive your verification e-mail within 1 hour of having registered to use the portal, please check the Junk or SPAM e-mail box for your e-mail account.
If you have already completed the Professional Portal registration and account verification process, please log in using your verified log in details and password.
Please be advised that if the web page is inactive for more than 30 minutes a Session Time-Out will occur and you will be directed back to the login screen. We therefore recommend that you SAVE regularly.
Two Factor Authentication Codes and Security Question
Once you have entered your user name and password successfully, the system will send you an authentication code by e-mail. This code needs to be used immediately to complete the portal log in process.
During the registration process you will be asked to supply an answer to a security question. It is important that you remember this answer as you will be prompted for this if you ever need to reset your password.
User Guides
EHAT Portal guidance documentation can be accessed by clicking here
SEND Portal guidance documentation can be obtained by clicking here