If you need any advice or have questions that are not answered on our website, please contact the relevant team for your application.
Email: Reception/Foundation and Junior Email: Secondary and Key Stage 4 Email: In-Year Admissions Tel: 01752 307469
Email: Reception/Foundation and Junior
Email: Secondary and Key Stage 4
Email: In-Year Admissions
Tel: 01752 307469
Tel: 01752 307450 Email early.years@plymouth.gov.uk Website: www.plymouth.gov.uk/me2funding
Tel: 01752 307450
Email early.years@plymouth.gov.uk
Website: www.plymouth.gov.uk/me2funding
Tel: 01752 307410 Email: fsm@plymouth.gov.uk Website: www.plymouth.gov.uk/free-school-meals
Tel: 01752 307410
Email: fsm@plymouth.gov.uk
Website: www.plymouth.gov.uk/free-school-meals